Analyst Coverage

Analyst Coverage

inVented Corporation

Laurel Summers – Rachael Hargrave


Berto Dimaculangan


John Smith

The Company

The Company

Jean Elaine Grey
Global Head of Technology

The Company

James Howlett
Human Resources, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

The Company

Scott Summers
Executive Vice Chairman

The Company

Ryan Greenawalt


Juvy Teoxon

West Financial



West Financial

Anthony Hopkins


Joen Bautista

The Company

Christian Francis Xavier III
Senior Analyst

Imaginary Sample Company

Yan Li
Senyorita Analyst

ABC Company

Laurel Summers - Jurate

Demobryce IR Site is followed by the analysts listed. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Demobryce IR Site's performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Demobryce IR Site or its management. Demobryce IR Site does not by its reference or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.

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Test Nunc interdum, mi id egestas placerat, nunc justo convallis sapien, eu lacinia nulla eros et massa. Etiam eget ultricies dolor. Vestibulum urna urna, posuere et aliquet et, feugiat non ligula. Sed et sem tellus. Nunc at mauris eu lectus laoreet viverra quis sit amet lectus. Mauris a urna at risus imperdiet ullamcorper id sit amet odio. Nulla sit amet convallis ex, eget tincidunt libero.